2013. April 12.

On 10 April, the Palace of Arts kicked off sales of season tickets for the 2013/14 season with a marketing campaign of a very different kind. During mini concerts from young students of the Snétberger Music Talent Centre at various locations around the city, those present were offered an information package containing not only a guide to the exciting programmes and star turns of the new season, but also an invitation to a special event.

Those accepting the challenge assembled portraits of the season’s star performers at the Palace of Arts from numerous tiny images and, as a reward, were then invited to attend the evening’s concert in the Béla Bartók National Concert Hall.

Visitors will have learned of several new additions among this year’s season ticket programme. For fans of chamber music, there is the Chamber Treasures offering, while retired visitors can opt for the autumn and spring classical music series entitled Seniors Autumn and Seniors Spring. Younger audiences will find the Student Pass series to be a veritable adventure flitting between various eras, styles, genres and cultures.